So getting active is important, and getting breathless is good for you, but how much is too much?
Here are some tips:
- Start slowly and gradually build up
- Warm up before and cool down after your exercise
- If you use an inhaler, carry it while you exercise, use it when you need to
- Wear loose, comfortable clothing and supportive non-slip shoes
- Drink plenty of water so you don’t get dehydrated
- Wait for at least an hour after eating before starting to exercise
- Be active at a level that’s right for you – use the talk test to check:
Say out loud: “This activity is going to do me good!
- If you can say the sentence with two or three stops for breath, you’re working at a moderate intensity. This is your aim.
- If you can say the whole sentence without stopping, you can increase the intensity.
- If you can’t speak, or can’t say more than one word at a time, you may want to slow down.
STOP if you get any sudden symptoms, including: chest pain or tightness, feeling dizzy, nauseous, clammy or cold, feeling increasingly wheezy, or getting sore joints or muscle weakness. Seek advice from a health care professional.
If you’re worried about figuring out the right level for you, speak to your doctor, nurse or physiotherapist.