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What conditions can be associated with Alpha-1?

Through the years, there are a number of rare illnesses that have been identified as being associated with Alpha-1. In some cases, the relationship between a particular disease and Alpha-1 is not well established. Just because a rare disease occurs in one or two individuals with Alpha-1, this alone does not mean that Alpha-1 caused the disease.

Big Fat Reference Guide – AlphaNet


Strong Association

There are several other conditions that have been associated with Alpha-1. These include necrotizing panniculitis, a painful scarring skin condition; vasculitis, an inflammation of the blood vessels; granulomatosis with polyangiitis (formerly known as Wegener's Granulomatosis), an unusual type of vasculitis affecting the lungs; bronchiectasis, a distortion and destruction of the bronchial tubes leading to chronic infection; and hepatocellular carcinoma, a cancer of the liver cells.

Big Fat Reference Guide – AlphaNet

Rare (case reports)

Other conditions that may be associated with Alpha-1 include rheumatoid arthritis and lupus erythematosus (an autoimmune disease). A clear relationship between Alpha-1 and these conditions has not been established, and it may well be that Alpha-1 does not lead to an increased risk for developing any one of these conditions. Instead, it may be that when an individual who happens to have Alpha-1 also develops one of these conditions, they may suffer more severe symptoms.

Big Fat Reference Guide – AlphaNet