Being a so-called carrierAn Alpha-1 Carrier is a person who has one normal ATT gene (M) and one defective AAT gene (usually S or Z). It does NOT mean you cannot get sick., MZ for Alpha-1, is very common. About 2 percent of all Americans are MZ. In general, MZ people are normal and healthy. There are rare situations in which some MZ people seem to have health problems related to carrying the one Z alpha-1 gene, but this is by far the exception and not the rule. No change in medical care is recommended, or needed as far as we know, for MZ people compared to any other healthy person. Therefore, MZ people should take whatever medications and treatments that they need. If the doctor recommends a certain medicine that requires some kind of monitoring, then the monitoring for an MZ person should be the same as for anyone else.
Jeffrey H. Teckman, MD – Alpha-1 Liver Disease Q&A – Alpha-1 Foundation